Communicator Message

Communicator News

Braun, Uwe
8/9/2023 11:05 AM

Introducing the new Message Communicator.

Create Messages without linkage to an Object (Companies or Technologies), see overview below.

Kokel, Nicolas 

Braun, Uwe
8/10/2023 8:28 AM

Dionne, Jean-François Avila Goncalves, Renato 

Dears, just for your attention. You can now also generate Communicator Messages without linking it to a System-Object.

Choose New Message from the Communicator Widget and update on any subject.


Dionne, Jean-François
8/10/2023 8:45 AM

Dear Braun, Uwe 

Thank you for the update. This is a great addition that will enable us to link directly to our articles and give them more visibility.

Freundliche Grüsse