Dionne, Jean-François
8/10/2023 8:51 AM

Corrosion can come in many ways. Identifying the root cause is primordial in order to select better materials or suppliers.

Here is a short article on such a case: Cold water pipes

#corrosion #rootcause #expert  #asset  #integrity 

Dionne, Jean-François
8/10/2023 8:54 AM
Dionne, Jean-François
8/10/2023 9:15 AM

yes I've tried the under score "_" as well, "root cause" could be written off as #root  and #cause 

Braun, Uwe
8/10/2023 8:57 AM

Thanks. I noticed the hashtags don't all show correctly. I will look into that. I recommend to always have a <space> before typing #...