Mass Balancing the key to EU Circular Economy Objective

Braun, Uwe
8/22/2023 9:46 AM

This is (one of the reasons) we have ppPLUS designed for:

Evaluting processes for their efficiency in many aspects, ecological, financial etc. ppPLUS design philosophy can support initiatives like this one from the EU. (CEFIC)

5 Things That Need To Happen Now For Chemical Recycling To Contribute To EU Circular Economy

Kokel, Nicolas Craul, Marcus Melgoza, Alberto 

Kokel, Nicolas
8/22/2023 2:16 PM

Mass balancing of integrated manufacturing chains is the unique capability of portfolio planning PLUS.

Braun, Uwe
8/22/2023 3:08 PM

Nicolas, just to emphasize again:

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