Entity Message


Refinery and Petchem reallocated

Sinopec Qilu Company
Message Category
Updates, Performance and Other
Braun, Uwe
11/1/2024 12:50 PM

Created this entity, which is a separate Sinopec Entity and allocated already existing refinery and petchem to it.

Company also operates in the #chloralkali value chain.

Kokel, Nicolas 

Kokel, Nicolas
11/1/2024 7:44 PM

Also I advise to be careful with information of corporate websites such as from SINOPEC.

The page about Qilu (like about any other subsidiary or site) is not up-to-date and all information pages carry the date from 2016. As a matter of fact there are subsidiaries that are no longer existing with the reported name. I have aded some SInopec subsidiaries for which this is the case. In addition Sinopec Qilu does not appear in the last (2023) annual report in the list of wholly-owned and controlled subsidiaries on p. 74. It is probably a mixed ownership but not 100% owned by Sinopec.

Kokel, Nicolas
11/2/2024 8:28 AM

Here it is!

Kokel, Nicolas
11/1/2024 2:39 PM

Spotted the site by searching on Baidu Maps and added the exact location.