Prax Group
- Integrated Energy
/ London -
The Prax Group is a British multinational independent oil refining, storage, distribution and sales conglomerate dealing in crude oil, petroleum products and bio-fuels, headquartered in London. Our ability to deliver innovative customer solutions across the world has secured our reputation as a leading presence in the global oil market. Our mission is to conduct business responsibly, placing excellence, integrity and philanthropy at the heart of everything we do.
Corporation Settings
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Unit of Measure
- Currency
- Client
- ppPLUS
System Info
- Modified by
-  Braun, Uwe
- Added
- 3/21/2022 2:38 PM
  Corporation Communicator  (including Holding Entity Messages)
Entity | Title | Date | |
  | Prax Group | 3/21/2022 |
The corporation's holding company does not have subsidiaries.
Link entities by creating shareholding (equity) in the Entity module.