
- Chemicals
- 211 19th Street East
- Suite 1700
- SK S7K 5R6
Nutrien produces and distributes over 27 million tonnes of potash, nitrogen and phosphate products for agricultural, industrial and feed customers world-wide (as per website info, 27 Aug 2023).
Entity Settings
- Category
- Operations Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
- UoM
- Tons
System Info
- Added by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Added
- 8/27/2023 6:44 PM

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  Sites Quick Access
Site | Location | Country |
Allan Potash | Allan |
Carseland Nitrogen | Calgary |
Cory Potash | Saskatoon |
Fort Saskatchewan N2 | Fort Saskatchewan |
Granum Nitrogen | Granum |
Joffre Nitrogen | Lacombe |
Lanigan Potash | Lanigan |
Patience Lake Potash | Patience Lake |
Redwater Nitrogen | Redwater |
Rocanville Potash | Rocanville |
Standard Nitrogen | Standard |
Vanscoy Potash | Vanskoy |
Featured Function
Interests Map | View the Operations, Shareholding, and Subsidiaries of this Entity |