
EUROTECNICA Contractors and Engineers S.P.A.
- Technology (Show Technologies)
- MI278826, CF PI IT04763900158
/ Milano - Via R. Bracco, 6
- 20159
Eurotecnica is known for its leading position as technology provider, designer and implementer of plants based on Group’s proprietary technologies encompassing the notable: Euromel® Melamine Process, the leading and best available technology for the production of melamine, a high-end chemical used in the manufacturing of wood-based products, laminates, moulding compounds, fire-extinguishing foams. ET Black™ Process, the technology of reference for the production of carbon black, one of the most important chemicals widely applied in the automotive industry. ET Sun Energy™ Process, a reliable green technology applied at CSP solar plants for harvesting the sun energy during daylight and releasing throughout the evening to enhance the dispatchability of electric power.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Main Holding Company or Operations
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
System Info
- Modified by
 Braun, Uwe
- Modified
- 9/12/2023 3:51 PM
- Added by
 Braun, Uwe
- Added
- 9/12/2023 3:37 PM