Xinjiang Shengxiong Energy Co., Ltd.
- Chemicals
- 652100060000114
/ Turpan - Xinjiang
- Alehui Town, Toksun County
Xinjiang Shengxiong Energy Co., Ltd. (Mahatma Energy) is one of the top ten industrial parks of Zhongtai Group, covering an area of 4,000 acres and is arranged in a strip shape, with a length of about 3km and a width of about 1km. The industrial park industries include coal, electricity, calcium carbide, chlor-alkali, cement, mining, etc.
The park include six subsidiaries:
- Xinjiang Shengxiong Chlor-Alkali Co., Ltd.
- Xinjiang Shengxiong Calcium Carbide Co., Ltd.
- Xinjiang Shengxiong Cement Co., Ltd.
- Xinjiang Shengxiong Coking Co., Ltd.
- Xinjiang Tongtai Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
- Xinjiang Tongtai Mining Co., Ltd.
and two production units of Heishan Coal Mine and self-provided power plant, forming a complete upstream and downstream integration, coal, electricity and salinization circular economy industrial chain.
Entity Settings
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- Operations Entity
- Status
- A
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System Info
- Modified by
-  Kokel, Nicolas
- Modified
- 11/26/2024 2:46 PM
- Added by
-  Kokel, Nicolas
- Added
- 11/26/2024 11:11 AM