Strathcona Refinery
Imperial Oil Limited
Refining and Chemicals Operations
This refinery has legs. Often called the world’s most travelled refinery, our Strathcona refinery has made its way through hill and valley, war and peace, and through the ebbs and flows of Canada’s oil industry. When our company discovered oil in Leduc in 1947, Alberta’s oil industry began to happen. But we knew we needed a refinery to turn that oil into valuable products. This refinery made its way from Whitehorse on barges, trucks, rail and ice-roads to find its final home on the outskirts of Edmonton. Today, a more modern version of the refinery provides products for Canada and the Northern U.S., and is one of the most safe, reliable and profitable refineries in North America. Our Cold Lake site (among others) provides us the kind of bitumen that helps us make the high-quality products, including asphalt that paves a third of Canada’s roads, along with a full range of gasoline, diesel, aviation fuels, motor oils and liquid petroleum gases.
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UserPic  Braun (Sysadmin), Uwe
4/21/2022 9:24 PM



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Renewable Feedstocks True

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