Borouge 3 and PP5
Abu Dhabi Polymers Company
Predominantly Chemicals Operations
/ Ruwais

Borouge 3 

BOROUGE 3 AND PP5 Borouge 3 encompasses an ethylene plant with a capacity of 1,480kt/y, a butene-1 plant with a capacity of 28kt/y, two linear low-density polyethylene and high-density polyethylene plants with capacity of 540kt/y each, two Borstar® polypropylene plants with a capacity of 480kt/y and 470kt/y respectively, a low-density polyethylene unit with capacity of 350kt/y and a cross-linked polyethylene unit with a capacity of 80kt/y. As of 31 December 2022, Borouge 3 now also encompasses our PP5 plant, which started-up in the first quarter of 2022, with a capacity of 480kt/y, increasing polypropylene production capacity to 2.2mt/y and total polyolefins production capacity to 5.0mt/y. The PP5 expansion enables Borouge to meet customers’ demand for polypropylene solutions across key target markets in the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa.

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UserPic  Braun, Uwe
11/29/2023 6:01 PM
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UserPic  Braun, Uwe
11/29/2023 5:45 PM



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  UserPic Borouge 3 Mass Balance Finalized 7/20/2024
  UserPic MB set up 11/29/2023
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