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Shell OMEGA Process
/ Shell PLC
Shell OMEGA Process
Ethylene Oxide Hydrolysis into Ethylene Glycols

Process Description

The OMEGA Process ("Only MEG Advantage") is a Process by Shell Global Solutions that is used to produce Ethylene Glycol from Ethylene. This process comprises two steps, the controlled Oxidation of Ethylene to Ethylene Oxide (EO), and the net Hydrolysis of Ethylene Oxide to Monoethylene Glycol (MEG)[1].

In the OMEGA process, the ethylene oxide reacts with carbon dioxide (CO2) to yield ethylene carbonate (C3H4O3) according to equation (a). Ethylene carbonate is subsequently hydrolyzed to monoethylene glycol and carbon dioxide according to equation (b). The carbon dioxide is released in this step again and can be fed back into the process circuit. This process is 99.5% selective for monoethylene glycol[1].

  (a) C2H4O + CO2 → C3H4O3
  (b) C3H4O3 + H2O → HOC2H4OH + CO2

Shell’s OMEGA process for producing mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) from ethylene in a 2-stage, fully catalytic process, which has enabled many operators to achieve a conversion efficiency of over 99% compared to around 90% for conventional processes which utilise a thermal route to convert ethylene oxide (EO) into MEG. For every tonne of ethylene, operators with OMEGA have produced up to 1.95 tonnes of MEG compared with conventional processes which produce between 1.53 tonnes to 1.70 tonnes[2].

Process Licensing

This part of the OMEGA process was originally developed by Mitsubishi Chemicals, and it has been exclusively licensed to Shell[1]

Shell has issued licenses for 89 EO/EG plants worldwide, 53 of which are still operating[2].

Plant References

The first Chemical Plant using the OMEGA Process was started in South Korea. Subsequent OMEGA plants have been started in Saudi Arabia and Singapore.


  1. Wikipedia, OMEGA process, (accessed 29th Apr 2024).
  2. Shell, OMEGA process (accessed 29th Apr 2024).
System Info

Updated by
UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
4/29/2024 3:14 PM
Added by
UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
11/29/2021 5:43 PM



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Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol via the Shell OMEGA Process https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Synthese_von_Ethylenglycol_(OMEGA_Shell_Prozess).svg
Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol via the Shell OMEGA Process https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Synthese_von_Ethylenglycol_(OMEGA_Shell_Prozess).svg
Title Date
UserPic Shell OMEGA Process updated 4/29/2024
Entity Site (Country) Asset (Plant)
LOTTE Chemical Daesan Factory MEG Plant
PetroRabigh PetroRabigh MEG Plant
Shell Singapore SEPC SEPC Singapore MEG Plant