Technology Type
- Type
- Hybrid Propylene Polymerisation Technology
- Process
- Polypropylene processes
- Abbreviation
- Description
Modern Technology for the Production of Polypropylene are either based on Bulk and Gas-Phase Polymerization of Propylene in a Loop Reactor (LR) geometry, pure Gas-Phase Polymerization in Stirred Bed Reactors (SBR) or Fluidized Bed Reactors (FBR).
When a Combination of different Reactor Types or a Combination of Polymerization Phases is employed, the Process is called a Hybrid Technology.
Such is the case for the “Spherizone” or Multi-Zone Circulating Reactor (MZCR) Technology of Lyondellbasell, which combines two distinct Reaction Zones, and for the Borstar Technology of Borealis® PP Technology, which combines Slurry-Loop and Gas-Phase Fluidized Bed Reactors (GPR).
Source: Bergstra, M.F. et al. Polymerization in the Borstar Polypropylene Hybrid Process: Combining Technology and Catalyst for Optimized Product Performance. Polymers 2022, 14, 4763.
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System Info
- Updated by
Kokel, Nicolas
- Updated
- 10/15/2023 9:56 AM
- Added
- 11/8/2022 11:23 AM