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Construction of 120,000 tpa s-SBR and 80,000 tpa SBS TPE units started.

Guangxi Petrochemical
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News Message
Kokel, Nicolas
12/9/2024 9:17 PM

2024-04-19 20:00 Source: Chemical Oil News

On the morning of November 28, 2023, the construction of the 120,000 tons/year solution butadiene styrene rubber (SSBR) unit and the 80,000 tons/year styrene-butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer (SBS) unit of the Guangxi Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Integration Transformation and Upgrading Project started.

Among them, the 120,000 tons/year solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber (SSBR) unit adopts a complete set of technologies jointly developed by China Petroleum and Chemical Research Institute and Lanzhou Huanqiu Engineering Co., Ltd. The unit has two production lines, a 60,000 tons/year continuous polymerization SSBR production line and a 60,000 tons/year intermittent polymerization SSBR production line, which can produce the largest general-purpose grades and fourth-generation functionalized grades in the domestic market. The grades of the intermittent production line are mainly third/fourth-generation functionalized grades, and the grades can be customized and developed according to the needs of the downstream market. The unit is EPC-contracted by a consortium consisting of Lanzhou Huanqiu and CNPC Seventh Construction, and is scheduled to be delivered in June 2025.

80,000 tons/year styrene-butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer (SBS) plantThe process technology jointly developed by Xinjiang Huanqiu Company and Dushanzi Petrochemical is adopted. The key technology of this process lies in its SBS intermittent polymerization technology, which has great production flexibility and can produce a variety of grades of products. According to the final use and product range, SBS products with different components and structures can be produced to meet the needs of downstream asphalt modification, polymer modification, shoemaking, adhesives, etc. The consortium composed of Xinjiang Huanqiu and CNPC First Construction will undertake the EPC general contracting, and the project is scheduled to be handed over in June 2025.

















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