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PT PRPP Starting 2025 with a Pre-Bid Meeting for GRR Tuban Procurement
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Starting 2025 with a Pre-Bid Meeting for GRR Tuban Procurement
Jakarta, January 16, 2025 – As a grass-root project built from the ground up, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP) recognizes the complexity of preparing for the construction of the integrated fuel refinery with a petrochemical industry, Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban.
Dduring a pre-bid meeting for site development work held in Jakarta on 14 Jan 2025), Reizaldi Gustino, President Director of PRPP, highlighted that the quality of site development work will significantly impact the execution of the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) stages of the GRR Tuban Project.
Echoing Reizaldi’s statements, Irwan Priyasa, PRPP Commissioner, representing the company’s Board of Commissioners, emphasized that the success of the site development work would impact the overall project timeline.
The pre-bid meeting for the site development work procurement is part of the procurement process, aimed at providing clarification to all bidders regarding documents, procedures, and requirements for the tender.
The scope of this work includes the preparation and conditioning of the GRR Tuban area before the construction of refinery facilities. Specific tasks include land elevation adjustments and the development of basic infrastructure across approximately 841 hectares.
The event was attended by all PRPP Board of Directors, representatives of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional shareholders, including Albin Ginting, Vice President of Project Management, as well as representatives from 13 pre-qualified bidders, both domestic and international, eligible to participate in this procurement tender.
In addition to the site development work procurement, a pre-bid meeting was also held in 2024 for EPC work packages of the GRR Tuban Project, during which 25 pre-qualified bidders were registered for a total of seven EPC work packages.
Source: PT PRPP News Highlight.
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