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Shaheen TC2C Project Mass Balance completed.

S-Oil Shaheen
Message Category
Portfolio and Mass Balance Information
Kokel, Nicolas
3/13/2025 7:31 AM

The Shahen TC2C Project Mass Balance has been completed. 
The TC2C Plant will import 46,000 bpd of Arab Light crude oil, corresponding to 2,300,000 tonnes annually.
However, in order to obtain the announced product quantities (1,800,000 tonnes of ethylene, 770,000 tonnes of propylene, 200,000 tonnes of butadiene, and 280,000 tonnes of benzene) our calculation based on typical cracking yields show that the feedstock needs to amount to almost 5 million tonnes.
The cracker will use ROG so that certainly some ethane will be additionally consumed by the cracker, but the feedstock balance reaquired for the precise product quantities is made of 150,000 tonnes of ethane, 1,300,000 tonnes of LPG (C3/C4 = 1:1 ratio) and 3,500,000 tonnes naphtha. Therefrom, 275,000 tonnes of LPG and 1,350,000 tonnes of nahptha  will be provided by the TC2C plant.
We assume that the supplemental feedstock will be imported, unless additional crude oil will be imported and processed with conventional distillation units.
As this is a TC2C demonstration project, it is assumed that only the theoretical quantities of pygas and pyoil originating from the TC2C provided feedstock to the cracker will be recirculated to the TC2C hydrocracking and hydroreating units (270,000 from 475,000 tonnes of pygas, and 65,000 from 113,000 tonnes of fuel oil).
In reality, the sizing of the various hydroprocessing/hydrotreatment units maybe different, but absent confirmation on units capacities, this is our best educated guess.

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