Entity Shareholding

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Logo missing Noga Holding
33.30% 12/1979 12/2050 Statutory SH
The joint venture is equally owned by the Oil & Gas Holding Company B.S.C. (c) (nogaholding) in the Kingdom of Bahrain, SABIC Agri-nutrient Investments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Petrochemical Industries Co. in the Kuwait.
Logo missing SABIC Agri-Nutrients
33.33% 12/1979 12/2050 Statutory SH
Logo missing Petrochemicals Industries Company Kuwait
33.30% 12/1979 12/2050 Statutory SH
The joint venture is equally owned by the Oil & Gas Holding Company B.S.C. (c) (nogaholding) in the Kingdom of Bahrain, SABIC Agri-nutrient Investments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Petrochemical Industries Co. in the Kuwait.
Total:99.93 %