Technology Type
- Type
- Gas Oil Separation Plant (GOSP)
- Process
- Crude Oil Processing
- Abbreviation
- Description
A Gas–Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) is temporary or permanent facilities that separate wellhead fluids into constituent vapor (Gas*) and liquid (Crude Oil and Produced Water) components[1]. Water present with Crude Oil exists as either free water (large water droplets) or as emulsions. Free Water is easily separable through gravity. On the contrary, emulsions can be difficult to treat and require application of heat, electricity or chemicals. Emulsions create number of operational challenges such as tripping of electrical grids in de-salters, production of off-specification Crude and high pressure drops in flow lines. The emulsions have to be treated in order to remove dispersed water and salt associated with water so that Crude Oil meets market specifications and reduces corrosion in equipment’s and pipe lines[2].
1. Wikipedia - Gas Oil Separation Plant
2. Fahad Dubas, Muhammad. (2016). Design of Gas Oil Separation Plant using HYSYS. 10.13140/RG.2.2.31049.75368.
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System Info
- Updated by
Kokel, Nicolas
- Updated
- 8/5/2024 11:22 AM
- Added
- 11/3/2022 9:19 AM

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